Elearning Localization Services

Best-in-Class Elearning Localization in 100 Languages

Stepes (/’steps/) provides professional eLearning localization services tailored to online courses and training materials, compatible with all leading LMS platforms and authoring tools. We help our clients accomplish their training goals and improve business outcomes across diverse languages and cultures, one professionally localized eLearning course at a time.

Expert Elearning Localization

Expert Elearning Localization You Can Trust

Quality eLearning localization is a critical requirement for companies to achieve training success globally. Stepes understands the unique linguistic, cultural, and technical requirements of each of our client’s multilingual eLearning projects to deliver the most accurate localization results on time and on budget. We have a large team of professional linguists and subject matter experts who are experienced in every step of the eLearning localization cycle. We use the latest translation technology and eLearning localization best practices to ensure consistent and accurate translation of all eLearning content.

Our comprehensive approach to eLearning localization includes cultural adaptation to ensure that the eLearning content is culturally appropriate and engaging for the target audience. We’re also highly experienced in working with a variety of learning management systems (LMS) to deliver end-to-end localization support, including content translation, video localization, multilingual subtitling, and professional voice-over. Stepes’ professional eLearning localization solutions support continuous terminology management, transparent translation memory, and full in-context review, allowing our expert linguists to deliver the highest quality localization results with efficiency.

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Our Elearning Localization Workflow

As a premier localization services provider, Stepes has established robust processes that seamlessly bring together our skilled translators, voice-over artists, multimedia engineers, project managers, and quality assurance experts. This unified approach ensures the delivery of highly accurate and efficient eLearning and training localization results.

Our Elearning Localization Workflow

  • Identify the target audience: Determine the language, culture, and technical requirements of the target audience for the eLearning content.
  • Analyze the course content: Review the eLearning course content to determine the components that need to be localized, such as text, audio, video, images, and interactive activities.
  • Prepare the translation kit: Ensure the source content that requires localization is organized for efficient processing. This includes separating the text elements that need to be localized from those that don’t, and incorporating any available glossaries.
  • Localization of text: Translate the text into the target language, ensuring that it is accurate and culturally appropriate based on industry terminology. Adapt the text to the technical requirements of the target audience, such as adjusting font size and style.
  • Localization of audio and video: Record new audio and video content in the target language with time codes or dub over the existing content. Ensure that the quality of the audio and video is high and that it is synchronized with the visuals.
  • Localization of images: Replace text on images with translated content while adjusting design elements to ensure optimal presentation. This may involve replacing images with culturally appropriate ones or adjusting colors and styles.
  • Localization of interactivities: Adapt the interactive activities to suit the target language audience. This may involve adjusting text or character animation, adjusting on-screen instructions, and modifying the activity workflow to better suit the target audience.
  • Quality assurance: Test the localized eLearning courses for linguistic and cosmetic QA to ensure they are error-free, work correctly, and meet local compliance requirements (if any.)
  • Integration and deployment: Integrate the localized content with 3rd party LMS systems or other training delivery platforms and test the course thoroughly to ensure that everything works as intended before final deployment to the target audience.

We Localize for All Major LMS Platforms

Stepes has in-depth experience localizing elearning and training courses developed with a variety of Learning Management Systems, including all of the cloud-based LMS platforms. In each case, our team of expert localization professionals can translate the language packs, SCORM packages, or other resource files, as well as working directly within your LMS’s localization environment do deliver the most efficient elearning localization services.

Adobe Captivate Prime
SAP Litmos
Cornerstone OnDemand
Articulate 360

Video Localization

Video Localization

Stepes offers professional video translation and multilingual voice-over as part of our professional eLearning localization services. We’ve developed a highly efficient video editing workbench on the cloud, allowing our linguists to apply translated scripts directly onto the video in real time. This solution effectively combines linguistic translation and localization QA in a single step to achieve unrivaled efficiency. In addition to providing professional human voice-over, Stepes also offers natural-sounding AI voices in localizing our clients’ instructional materials at a fraction of the cost. To learn more about Stepes’ comprehensive video localization solutions, please click here.

Elearning Quizzes Localized Right

Elearning Quizzes Localized Right

Are you looking to localize your eLearning quizzes, such as Multiple Choice, True or False, or Fill in the Blank tests for international learners? Stepes provides expert quiz translations as part of our professional eLearning localization solutions. We help our clients assess international learners’ understanding of important knowledge topics in all Asian, European, and Latin American languages. Stepes leverages our extensive expertise in software localization to ensure localized eLearning quizzes are linguistically precise and seamlessly functional in all languages.

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